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After the successful inaugural edition of Writing from the Heart by renowned playwright and novelist Tony Perez in May 2014, Writing & Community once again, invites him to conduct a second interactive playwriting workshop this December. This series of workshops aims to:
- Unearth and inspire new playwriting enthusiasts from within the community
- Share one of the region’s best playwriting skills and expertise with the community
- Develop new plays through a post-workshop mentorship and dramaturgy programme
Writing from the Heart in May 2014 discovered 30 new writers and gave them the basics in playwriting. Through a series of hands-on exercises which include drawing, dialogue and interpersonal interaction between participants, the mentor and within themselves, these exercises drew out the writers’ potential from within and these discoveries became important material and inspiration for playwriting.
From the group of 30, Tony is mentoring 12 writers, developing 12 new plays through this dramaturgy programme. The mentorship will conclude in end December 2014 and these new plays will be presented as a public dramatised reading in the first quarter of 2015.
TheatreWorks hopes to seek out a new group of writers for this second workshop. Those interested are to register with Brendan at 6737-7213 or email to brendan@theatreworks.org.sg
For more information please visit http://writingandcommunity2014.wordpress.com
Writing from the Heart
A 6-day workshop to be held at 72-13, Home of TheatreWorks.
It will comprise a series of interactive hands-on exercises designed to enable participants to discover their inner self and creativity in exploring the basics of playwriting.
Workshop Details
1 Dec to 6 Dec 2014
Venue: 72-13 Mohamed Sultan Road, Singapore 239007
Registration Fee: $200
Open to participants 17 years and above
Limited to 20 participants
Session 1, Introduction to Writing from the Heart
1 Dec 2014 (Monday), 7pm – 10pm
Session 2, Strengthen one’s power of observation & creative visualisation
2 Dec 2014 (Tuesday), 7pm – 10pm
Session 3, Creating characters & dialogue
3 Dec 2014 (Wednesday), 7pm – 10pm
Session 4, Working with a premise; Creating a dramatic plot
4 Dec 2014 (Thursday), 7pm – 10pm
Session 5, Conceptualise & Visualise the theatre space
5 Dec 2014 (Friday), 7pm – 10pm
Session 6, To deconstruct, structure & restructure and shaping the Narrative
6 Dec 2014 (Saturday), 10am – 1pm
Session 7, Delivering Creative Group Dynamics
6 Dec 2014 (Saturday), 2pm – 5pm
About Tony Perez
Tony Perez is a Filipino playwright, novelist, and visual artist with an M.A. degree in Religious Studies, an M.A. candidacy in Clinical Psychology, and an A.B. in Communication. He has authored two major, full-length trilogies of plays in Tagalog, some of which have been translated into English and Polish. His full-length play Trip to The South was performed in New York and in Singapore; another full-length play, On The North Diversion Road was performed in Melbourne and in Singapore. After having more than 40 books published in the Philippines, he is devoting the rest of his life to posting his new and forthcoming books in cyberspace. They can be accessed through his main blog site, http://www.tonyperezphilippines.blogspot.com. His artworks have been showcased in more than 15 exhibitions.
Perez is also the founder of the Spirit Questors, a group of young, psychic volunteers who render service to the public free of charge. Among his other interests are fiber art, puppetry, the use of drama in psychotherapy. In his home country, he conducts workshops to underserved audiences such as victims of human trafficking and sexual abuse, children in conflict with the law, prison inmates, child combatants, and residents of drug rehabilitation centers.
Perez has also worked with TheatreWorks since the 1990s leading in workshops like Writing from the Subconscious (1990), Explore the Physical Psychic Sense for Creative Writing (1992).His play Trip to the South was performed atthe ASEAN Season Festival in 1991.
Find out more about other Writing & Community 2014 programmes:
- Serunding returns from 6 – 8 June at the Malay Heritage Centre!
- 24-Hour Playwriting Competition 2014 from 21 – 22 June 2014 at the Malay Heritage Centre.
- Performance Tour of MARCO POLO
- Return to Writing & Community