24-Hour Playwriting Competition - 2019
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TheatreWorks 24-Hr Playwriting Competition
13 July 2019, 11am to 14 July 2019, 11am
Former Ford Factory,
351 Upper Bukit Timah Road,
Singapore 588192
Youth Category: 15–18 years old
Open Category: 19 years and above
The TheatreWorks 24-Hr Playwriting Competition is back! First held in 1996, this competition is one of the longest running creative platforms in Singapore. Participants write a completely new play in 24 hours, with various stimuli given throughout the time period. This year’s edition will take place at the historic Former Ford Factory. In partnership with the South East Community Development Council, the 24-Hr Playwriting Competition aims to nurture and develop playwrights from the community.
Competition Categories:
Youth: 15–18 years old
Open: 19 years and above
Registration Fees:
Youth: $55*
Open: $65*
*Inclusive of a 2-hour basic playwriting workshop on 6 July, 11am-1pm, and a ticket to
Three Fat Virgins Unassembled on 10 July, 7.30pm.
Prizes for each category (Youth and Open)
1st: $700
2nd: $500
3rd: $300
Merit: $100
Rayann Condy, Ma Yanling and Jean Tay
For enquiries, email writerslab@theatreworks.org.sg