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Written and directed by Manuela Infante (Chile)
Performed by Diego Noguera (Chile), Marcela Salinas (Chile), Pat Toh (Singapore) and Rebekah Sangeetha Dorai (Singapore)
Dramaturgy by Noorlinah Mohamed (Singapore)
Ovid’s account of Philomela’s rape and her severed tongue is the starting point for the exploration. How can she speak of the experience of being silenced, when her language is severed from her body? The field of public address is an important symbolic arena where social norms are contested, reshaped and upheld, but mostly where we harbour gendered norms about speech. What we call “eloquence” in public speech is, essentially, a code for values associated with masculinity. The women on stage in this performance will function as a multilingual choir that deconstructs the sounds and stories of their voices, weaving their personal experiences of silencing and transformation with that of Philomela and her sister Procne. Working half way between concert and play, music and theatre, sound and meaning, the piece will continue Manuela Infante's collaboration with musician Diego Noguera and actress Marcela Salinas, who were last seen in Singapore with Vegetative State at the Singapore International Festival of Arts 2017. Together with artists from Singapore, they will explore electronic live processing and layering of voices to produce theatrical soundscapes and dispersed narratives about voices.
About Manuela Infante
Manuela Infante is a Chilean playwright, director, writer and musician. She is one of the most prolific and interesting voices in contemporary theatre in Chile and Latin America. Having earned a BA in Theatre Studies and an MA in Cultural Analysis, Manuela is well known for offering scenic articulations of complex theoretical issues. She understands theatre not (only) as a place for telling stories, but as a laboratory for a sort of embodied philosophy making.
Presentation Details:
7 & 8 November 2019
Venue: 72-13 Mohamed Sultan Road, Singapore 239007
Please email Shue-er Peralta at shueer.theatreworks@gmail.com or call 67377213 to request
for a ticket.
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With Support From
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