Open Rehearsal
Open Rehearsal
By Eng Kai Er and Faye Lim
Join Faye and Kai in rehearsal and conversation as they develop She Ain't Heavy, She's Reaching Into Space for their duet performance in July. She Ain't Heavy follows Faye and Kai as they act on the combined curiosities, unfulfilled desires and discontent arising from their practice of Contact Improvisation (CI, see below). Take a peek into their performance creation process, which draws them further away from CI, but closer towards a shared understanding of their dancing, performing and resting bodies.
"Contact Improvisation (CI) is a subcultural dance phenomenon embraced worldwide by people who love embracing. Usually, there is a spirit of openness, enquiry/research, and mutual trust and respect, within communities that practice CI. Sometimes, people who don't practise CI think that CI is like a cult.”
— Teddy Bear, March 2016, Interview at Faye's living room
Performance Details:
72-13, Mohamed Sultan Road, Singapore 239007
29 April, 8pm
30 April, 8pm
Approximately 90 min with post show discussion
By invitation only.
Please email or call 6737-7213 (Ezzat) to request for an invitation.