Conceived by Loo Zihan
in collaboration with
Joanna Dong, Sinclair Ang and Jereh Leong
Experience a new format of performance in 50/50, conceived by Loo Zihan in collaboration with Joanna Dong, Sinclair Ang and Jereh Leong. This new format comprises a series of three dance classes that ‘audiences’ must participate in.
For $30, you can register for three dance classes which will teach you basic Lindy Hop steps, while exposing you to the background of Lindy Hop, topics such as the performance of gender, race and sexuality in social dance and everyday life.
The classes for each Group spans over three weekends. Do note that when registering you will need to indicate which Group you would like to be in. Once you have made the choice, no changes to Group and dates & times of classes are allowed.
Meanwhile, no dance experience is required!
Sign Up Details:
$30 for 3-Classes
$12 for Single-Class
Group 1: 4, 11, 18 December, 8pm
Group 2: 4, 11, 18 December, 9pm
To register for a place in 50/50, email fifty50@theatreworks.org.sg or ring us at 6737 7213
Open Dance Floor
4, 11, 18 December, 10pm – 12am
For an entry of $5, join us at 72-13 as we turn it into a dance hall for lindy hoppers to show off your best swing moves. Enjoy a merry night of social dancing to DJ-ed jazz music!
Visit our blog to find out more about 50/50 and the creatives involved at http://fiftyfifty2015.wordpress.com/
The presentation of 50/50 is part of TheatreWorks’ long established belief in developing and nurturing Singapore artists. It is also part of TheatreWorks’ aim to present innovative contemporary experiences and artistic expressions that offer Singapore audiences alternatives.
Its home, 72-13, is an incubator for artistic experiments by both artists and creative, while being a consistent conduit for dialogues between disciplines and cultures.