Flying Circus Project 2009/2010 Platform 2
TheatreWorks / 72-13 presents
Flying Circus Project Platform 02 Kutlug Ataman
Internationally renown filmmaker and contemporary artist, Kutlug Ataman will be hosted by the Flying Circus Project. Ataman will present his newest film Journey to the Moon and a special artist talk on his critically acclaimed works.
Journey to the Moon: 18 November 2009 at 8pm
Artist Talk: 19 November at 8pm
Event Information
Flying Circus Project Platform 02
Kutlug Ataman
Date: 18 & 19 November 2009
Time: 8pm
Venue: 72-13 Mohamed Sultan Road
Admission: Free
Please call 6737-7213 or email tworks@singnet.com.sg to register your attendance.
Journey to the Moon (79 min, with English subtitles)
Fresh from the London Film Festival (Oct 2009) at the British Film Institute, Kutlug Ataman’s recent film Journey to the Moon will be screened at 72-13.
Often funny and evocative, this film, of 4 villagers' quest to travel to the moon, has been shown in the Moscow Film Festival 2009 and under the Official Selection 2009 International Istanbul Film Festival. It was originally part of the Mesopotamian Dramaturgies series of visual works, a major solo exhibition at Linz09, European Cultural Capital this year.
Journey to the Moon explores an urban myth that in 1957 a group of villagers from Turkey’s remote Black Sea coast were conned by a local politician into believing he would build a spaceship factory in cooperation with the US, in return for their votes. At that time, Turkish villages were actively encouraged to modernise. Ataman’s film examines the idea that these naive villagers were the victims of American-style westernisation in Turkey in the late 50s and perhaps amongst the first unsuspecting victims of the early stages of globalisation.
Artist Talk
As a filmmaker and a contemporary artist, Kutlug Ataman will present a special talk on his previous works. His works, examining the ways in which people create and rewrite their identities through self-expression, blurring the line between reality and fiction, will be shared amongst audiences.
Audiences will be able to experience and understand Ataman’s work philosophy that circles around strong characterisation and humanity.
A nominee for the prestigious Turner Prize in London during 2004 and winner of Carnegie Award in the US in the same year, Ataman will occupy audiences with his thoughts, ideas, experiences and philosophies.
Main funding from
The Ford Foundation
Asian Cultural Council with Special funds from
The Rockefeller Foundation
With support from
National Arts Council
The French Embassy
Lee Foundation
Arts Fund
Goethe-Institut Singapore
With additional support from
Double Six Press Pte Ltd
Perfectus AV Pte Ltd
Official Hotel
Copthorne King’s Hotel Singapore